Difference Between TTF and OTF Files

TTF and OTF files are basically extensions which you indicate that whether a file is a font or not and also if it can be formatted for printing. TrueType Font and OpenType Font are two different extensions but many believe that these two files extensions are the same and serve an identical purpose. Their capabilities are different from one another but many people, who do not understand TTF and OTF in detail, think that the level of their capabilities is also same but in reality, there are many differences in TTF and OTF.


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    TTF Files

    TrueType Font depends on glyph tables which largely use their Compact Font Format CFF tables as well.  It will allow a user more frequent service while using the TTF files. It has also cubic Bezier splines which is used by CCF files and allows you in signifying a character which is more quadratic Bezier splines used by TTF fonts as well. TTF files also have smartfont features along with additional language to support all the other fonts as well. Some say it will not create any heavy impact on your computer but generally, you need to understand that this also provides you with extra sustainability that how crucial your data is. TTF is basically extension file for TrueType font.

    - Image Courtesy: linuxjournal.com

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    OTF Files

    On  the other hand, OTF is slightly different from TTF. You need to understand as to how important OTF is as it can lead to files which are smaller with no special features attached on it. Another difference also makes OTF files more reliable. The size of the file sometimes is specially used in the font. OTF files are superior files as well. Using CCF and OTF files is simpler as well. You need to understand that OTF files are more popular among users as it is simple to use. Usually to understand well, the OTF file is the extension of OpenType fonts which depends solely on a glyph table.

    - Image Courtesy: graphiceyedea.co.uk

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