Difference Between Urban and Rural Community

Almost everywhere, people categorise human settlements as rural and urban. However, criteria for declaring a community rural or urban is different in every country.

Generally, a settlement is called rural if the density of population is low whereas an area is labelled urban if population is high there.

Though, urban communities relish full benefits of advancements and reap the rewards of industrialisation but they are not close to the nature as rural communities are. Similarly, rural communities have a simple and relaxed lifestyle whereas the urban communities live a stressful life. Pollution and noise is also a major difference between both communities.


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    Urban Communities:

    According to the formula of density of population, urban areas should have at least 500 residents per square kilometre. However, the number of people can vary from developed to developing countries. Big cities and small towns can be included in the urban areas as the density of population in these areas is high. Properly built roads, planned residential blocks, advanced civic amenities, opportunities and facilities are the signs of urbanisation.

    Urban people are the first hand beneficiaries of all the advancement in the field of science and technology. Hospitals, educational institutes, fun places are everywhere in big cities and town. Markets and shopping plazas stay open till late night. Boredom is out of question if you are living in a big city. There is no doubt in that the urban areas have better infrastructure and life is full of facilities. However, the flip side of this is that urban lifestyle is not simple and peaceful. It seems everyone is running after something. Pollution, noise, hustle and bustle of daily life gives nothing but tension and stress.

    Image Courtesy: destinationdestiny.net

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    Rural Communities:

    In the rural settlements, population is scattered and the density varies from place to place.

    Villages and hamlets can be included in rural areas as you won’t find many people living in one square kilometre. As they do not demand much from life, you will notice a peaceful and hassle-free lifestyle in rural communities. They rise with the sun and their day ends with the sunset. There is no noise and pollution in the rural areas rather they are more close to the nature. Village people do not have any concern with latest advancement in the field of science and technology. That is why; they have to bear many hardships in the life. There are hardly any medical, educational or economical facilities and activities in villages.

    Image Courtesy: handsonblog.org

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