Difference Between Valmiki and Kamba Ramayanam

Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two accounts of Ramayana scripted in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages in the above mentioned order. There are a number of differences between the two in regards to composition, style of poetry written and vice versa. Kamba Ramayanam is initially known as Ramavataram, even though Valmiki Ramayana is the actual description of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is thought to be founded on the work done by Valmiki. Be aware of the fact that Kamba Ramayanam was scripted in the 12th century AD by the legendary Tamil poet Kamban.

Valmiki Ramayanam was written by Valmiki and the date of the version is not particularly known. However, the whole compilation may have been written during the 1st century AD. Make sure you know that Kamba Ramayanam varies in a lot of ways from the actual Ramayanam of Valmiki as well as in the story telling. Also, both accounts have a massive religious significance and worth associated with them. The Valmiki Ramayana is split into seven chapters also known as Kandams. These include Balakandam, Ayodhyakandam, Aranyakandam, Kishkindakandam, Sundarakandam, Yuddhakandam and Uttarakandam. Moreover, Kamba Ramayanam is split into just six chapters consisting of Balakandam, Ayodhyakandam, Aranyakandam, Kishkindakandam, Sundarakandam and Yuddhakandam.


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    Valmiki Ramayana

    An interesting fact is Kamban splits the Kandams into 123 parts which are called Padalams. All these parts in all contain of 12000 verses. Valmiki Ramayana have 24000 verses or slokas in together. It suggests that it contains of almost twice the number of verses listed in the Kamba Ramayanam. Valmiki is known as Adikavi or the very first poet since the time of Ramayana that wrote in ornate poetry.

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    Kamba Ramayanam

    On the other hand, the literary importance of it is that the poet who wrote it uses Viruttam and Santham kinds of styles in composition. Viruttam relates to the pace of the verses and Santham refers to the meter or the tune in the verse. The blend of  these two aspects help make the book a great religious read. The poet used the words that matched Viruttam and Santham very nicely. This account transformed into an important religious thing with the passage of time. A lot of Hindus follow the text while praying. Furthermore, the whole text is read during the Tamil month of Adi at least once. This is done to bring good fortunes to the family members of the household.

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