Difference Between Vatican 1 and 2

Vatican 1 and Vatican 2 are names provided to straight ecumenical patriarchs that were kept in 19th and 20th century to express the association of the Roman Church with the outside world. Both councils are thought to be as a continuum determined to check for contradictions. Nevertheless, it is a fact that more progressive thought has influenced Vatican 2 in the same manner as more conservative has influenced Vatican 1. Following Vatican 1, it took decades to completely understand the manipulations of clarifications placed forward. On the other hand, the same is the case with Vatican 2.

Vatican 1 was observed in 1869-70 whereas Vatican 2 was held a century later in 1963-65. Vatican 1 is well known for the doctrine of Papal infallibility and victory of Ultramontanists. Moreover, Vatican 2 was held for a longer period of time. It also produced a lot more documents than the earlier council. Vatican 1 was held for one year as compared to the latter council which was held for two years. Nevertheless, both are known as ecumenical councils observed to express the association of church with the outside world. The two councils were held around 100 years apart from each other and under different Popes.


  • 1

    Vatican 1:

    Pope Pious IX approved Vatican 1. The very first ecumenical council of Catholic Church was dashed short by war. As a result of this, it was continued in Vatican 2 which came 100 years later. Christian believers around the world agree to the teachings in their religion and are expected to follow the disciplinary rules the church has set during that particular time. Vatican 1 is popular for the principle of Papal infallibility and due to this, you cannot challenge the doctrines of Vatican 2 as well. They produced a lot of documents that were drawn from ancient doctrines of the church, which is the keeper of the faith.

  • 2

    Vatican 2:

    Pope Paul VI approved this council. Vatican 2 produced a number of documents that were actually restated documents from older doctrines of the church which is the trustee of the faith. This council was much longer and produced several documents apparently as the Christian population was increasing by the time it was held in 1963-65. Nevertheless, the council gave disciplinary rules for the administration of the Church in the near future.

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