Dress Codes for Men & Women in Dubai

As compared to other states of Middle East, you will find Dubai’s dress code more liberal. In the United Arab Emirates the authorities recommend people to keep clothing style within the boundaries of tolerance and decency. However legal guidelines for clothing have been defined by the government of Dubai still you are allowed to wear clothes of your choice by keeping in mind graciousness and politeness.
Dubai is a part of an Islamic state which is why people visiting or who have recently moved in, should make sure that they keep the tone of their dress code wise and sensible, because the nationals of Arab Emirates strictly disallow such actions that display impropriety.
Despite the fact that rules related to dress codes are firmly notified to be followed, as compared to Dubai, still you have to make sure that your actions do not led you into trouble. In order to get the knack of the dress code followed in Dubai, take a look at the article rearranged below:
Dress Code Women in Public Places:
Disgraceful and offensive dressing is firmly unacceptable in Dubai. Normal clothing that is well-brought-up and civilized is permitted.
Muslim women are known for covering their face with a veil, and scarf is used to cover their head, but this is not mandatory in Dubai. Dubai has provided accommodation to people related to various religions and culture. Not to make living unbearable for them a limit has been specified for ladies to get dressed up. But if women are entering into a religious place like mosque, even for the purpose of tourism, it is mandatory for them to cover their head and their rest of the body.
So if you are a foreigner in Dubai then try covering your shoulders and legs till knees in order to put in view respect to their culture and rules. T-shirts with jeans is not an inappropriate dress in Dubai but spaghetti sleeves are not appreciated.
If you are visiting a governmental office like, hospital, police station, embassy etc, then try picking a descent dress for yourself. -
Dress Code for Men in Public Places:
If men are wearing long shorts – below knee – then that will not look odd, but if the length is shorter than the knee, then that particular dressing is considered odd and inappropriate. Cycling shorts and boxer shorts are strictly prohibited, if seen then warning will be given. Sport dressing is only allowed in such places where a sport is being held and you are taking part in it. On a beach a swim suit is tolerable.
If you are visiting a mosque then they are strictly advised to wear long trousers that cover their legs. -
Official wear in Dubai For Women:
Every company has a specific dress code that is defined in their SOPs. Employees are told to obey them. Ladies can wear the similar clothes as they wear in home, but make sure that the length of the dress is below knee and the shirt is covering your shoulders. Do not go for indecent clothing (deep necks). -
Official wear in Dubai For Men:
Men are also advised to follow the dress code of the company. In an office a formal dress should be preferred, so that you can have the feel of a professional environment. There are companies that allow casual dressing, still you have to make sure to wear long trouser and with sleeves T-shirt. -
Penalty Of Not Following The Dressing Rules
If anyone is found disobeying the dress code he/she is given a warning. In such cases the best idea is to apologize for your mistake and fix your dress as soon as possible. If you are caught disobeying or getting offended by the given warning then police will take firm action against you. In worse scenarios you are sent to jail for a month period and later on deported. Apparently police is not always there to keep a check on what you are wearing, but they certainly take action against the received complaints