Easy method to Get Justin Bieber to Follow you on Twitter

We don’t normally share such methods but seen as we believe in bringing you the best on Step by Step we have decided to make this very small compact guide for you to get literally any celebrity to follow you – for example Justin Bieber he has a following base of over 50,000,000 that’s 50 million yes! How do you get through to someone that has a base like that? I personally know teens who have joined Twitter for over a year just to get a follow from Justin Bieber but they still have not received one… so what do you do to get a follow from Justin Bieber? You cannot rely on that 1 second luck where you pop into his mentions box the second he see’s it – yes of course many have got a follow like this but what are your chances out of the 50 million fan base he has? Well with this guide we will share with you the ultimate method to get a follow… best of all you won’t even need to spam Justin, all you need to do is be patient and pick your cards right if you really want that follow…

We tried this for someone and they got a follow from Justin Bieber in just 6 days… So read below carefully and bookmark this page if you have to:


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    1) Make your profile about Justin Bieber

    Your Twitter name should have Bieber within it somewhere, the biography should also express how much you love Justin and how much it would mean to get a follow from him… Here is an example: twitter.com/TheBestDrews

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    2) Go follow all Justin Bieber’s “following”

    All the girl teens that Justin Bieber follows – that is a total of 125,000 right now, go from the top of the list and follow as many as you can… make sure they’re his fans – normal profiles that love Justin Bieber and not verified celebrities

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    3) Wait for a follow back from them

    Wait for some of those profiles above you followed to follow you back, now this means you have access to Justin Bieber – you’re wondering how right? They are being followed by Justin Bieber, which means they have something you don’t have… a DIRECT MESSAGE button! For 2-3 days go ahead and retweets/favorite their tweet show them you’re a belieber, once they know you exist and you’re retweeting and favouriting there tweets then go ahead and send them a direct message – tell them how much it would mean to you if you could put in the word for Justin Bieber to follow you by using there direct message button. Remember first be as polite as possible like you didn’t do this all to get a follow, play it cool and when the time is right approach all of Justin Bieber’s “following” list private via direct message and request them to send a DM on your behalf to Justin.

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    4) Waiting game

    Now all you have to do is wait, I would recommend waiting at least 7 days to see if you got a follow if you haven’t go ahead and tell them to send another DM – structure your wording differently so if Justin opens up his DM it will catch his eye and he will then follow J good luck!

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