Easy Way to Grow and Fertilize Desert Roses

Desert roses are a succulent plant whose origin is Africa. The distinguishing features of this plant include a swollen stem, bright green leaves and very colorful flowers. The color of the flowers ranges from pink, red, white and purple. The popularity of the plant has really increased over time and as a result, many breeders have decided to make hybrids out of the plant, leading to many new flower types. Here are some useful tips to help you breed desert roses as a house plant.


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    The first step is locating a source of desert rose seeds. These are quite easy to find at a local garden center, especially if you live in warm climates. In case it is not possible to get the seeds from a local garden center, you can try internet sources. A great thing about internet sources is that you will have a wider variety of species to choose from and you will get to do cost comparisons. The cost varies between less than one dollar to five dollars per package.

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    Get your seed trays ready by filling them with potting mix. Press the seeds gently downwards into the mix. Make sure that you have labeled the particular species of desert roses you are growing. This will help avoid confusion especially if you are growing several types. Finish the step by watering the tray and covering it with a plastic clear cover. After watering, you can place the tray in a warm and bright location such as a sunroom or a sunny windowsill.

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    After you have made the first step, the thing that remains is checking on the tray daily. In case you notice any condensation accruing on top of the lid, make sure that you wipe it away. The reason why it is important to wipe away the moisture is that when you let moisture accumulate on the container, it will cause fungi to grow on the seedlings, a problem that is also known as dampening off.

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    The key to getting perfect seedlings to emerge from the mixture is making sure that the potting mix is moist but not wet. If you take good care of the potting trays, the seedlings should emerge within a week or two of planting. When the seedlings have emerged, you can remove the plastic covering and let the plants start growing freely.

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    Make sure that you keep on checking on the seedlings on a regular basis. Water the plant when the soil dries up completely. While desert roses have a high heat tolerance and can be grown outdoors during the summer. However, during the colder months when the temperatures drop to below 45 degrees, you will need to bring the plant indoors.

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    Those are quick easy tips to help you in growing desert roses indoors. As long as you follow the instructions closely, you will have a very easy time breeding desert roses. Remember that for total success, you have to be careful about the particular seedlings that you choose, and oversee the whole breeding process to completion.

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