Employment Application Letter

An employment application letter is the first chance that you get to create a strong impression on your employer. The reason is that it makes the employer to have an opinion about you before even calling you for an interview. Your chances of getting the job will be high if you present your employment application letter in an organised way and put in all necessary details in it.

In the opening paragraph, you need to mention the reason that why you are sending this employment application letter like, I came to know that you have a vacancy and I find myself fit to fill this position, etc.

In the second paragraph, you should express your relevant qualification and also mention that you are appropriate to fill the vacancy.

In this paragraph, you should include your skills and experience that you have obtained in this specific field. Try to be precise and avoid putting in unnecessary details.

Include decent and humble words like, “sincerely, truly, etc.” before finishing up the letter.


  • 1

    Sample of Employment Application Letter

    Philip Smith
    59 Sue Circle
    Smithtown, CA 08067

    Date: January 9, 2012

    James Nick
    HR Manager
    ABC Company
    47 Lawrence Road
    Hatfield, CA 08467

    Dear Mr. Nick,

    I came to know through an advertisement in Times Union newspaper that you are looking to hire a person as a content writer. I am interested in this position and have attached my resume, certificates, two references and all other required documents enclosed in this application letter.

    After reading the details of this position, I have realised that it is an interesting opportunity. With my strong experience in content writing domain, I am confident that I can live up to your expectations and shall fulfil all responsibilities in this regard. My key strengths in this field are:

    - I have a proven track record of writing articles/contents that are published on various websites
    - I have a handful experience of editing the already published articles to enhance its impact
    - I have the experience of writing promotional contents to increase positive response for the readers or clients.

    You can contact me anytime via phone, 909-333-3333 or via email at philip.smith@yahoo.com. I am looking forward to have a meeting with you for this position of content writer.


    Philip Smith

  • 2

    Template of Employment Application Letter

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]
    [Your City, State, Zip Code]
    [Your Phone Number]
    [Your Email]


    [Employer’s name]
    [Position or Designation]
    [Organization name]
    [City, State, Zip Code]

    [Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name]

    Through the advertisement of [Write Newspaper's Name], I have come to know that you are hiring a person as a [Write Position]. I am interested in this position and have attached all required documents including certificates, references and resume.

    I have the relevant qualification and experience appropriate for this position of [Write Position]. With my strong experience in [Write Specific Field], I am confident that I can live up to your expectations and shall fulfil all responsibilities with complete devotion and dedication.

    [Write Brief details of skills you have obtained in this specific field]

    Feel free to contact me anytime via phone, [Write Phone Number] or via email at [Write Email Address]. I am hopeful for your kind consideration in this regard


    [Your Name]

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