Employment Contract Letter

A employment contract letter is a letter issued by the Human Resource Department of an organization to let the receiver know that he has been hired. These contract letters may also include some enclosed documents regarding the type of business, type of operations to be performed and the purpose of agreement. Moreover another document that is usually attached with this employment contract letter includes the objective of the agreement, compensation and under what circumstances the agreement is violated and the employment terminates confidentiality and signatures of the legal parties on the company’s behalf. However while enclosing any document with the employment contract letter it is important to mention the number of enclosed documents.
The letter begins with the sender’s information that includes the sender’s name, address and phone number. The next element of the letter includes the date on which the letter is written which is then followed by the receiver’s information. The next element is to address the recipient with a suitable salutation after which the main body of the letter begins. The main body of the letter includes the news about the contract letter and must be written precisely and concisely. In addition to this you are required to mention the number of years up to which the contract will be valid. Finally the letter ends with ‘Yours Sincerely’ and the signatures of the sender along with his/her name.
Sample Employment Agreement Letter:
Brain Williams
HR Manager
MY Solutions
Marry Brooklyn
AX Technologies
32 A Suite 4 Arcade Towers
Re: Employment Contract Letter
Dear Ms. Brooklyn
I am pleased to inform you that MY Solutions is hiring you to the post of Manager Sales Representative for the period of two years on contract. Please note that you will be hired as a full time employee in our Sales Department. The company is expecting you to join from 15-01-2013 at 9:30 am. You are therefore required to confirm your availability on this date and have to report to our HR Manager Mr. Brian in order to sign the contract.
We wish you best of luck and look forward to your joining.
Brian Williams
Human Resource Manager -
Template Employment Agreement Letter:
Sender's Name
Sender's Address
Sender's Contact
Receiver's Name
Receiver's Address
Receiver's Phone Number
Re:Employment Contract Letter
Dear ________
It is a great pleasure to inform you that you have been hired for the post of __________ as a _________ employee. You are therefore requested to confirm your availability at____ on __:__. Please note that this is a contractual job and will be valid for the period of two years.
Best wishes.
Signatures of the Sender
Name of the Sender
Designation of the sender