Farewell Letter to Brother

There can be various reasons to why you have to say farewell to your brother. If a person is joining another job in a different city or if he is leaving to continue higher studies in a different state, he would notify his brother with a Farewell Letter.

In the first paragraph of a Farewell Letter to Brother, mention the reason on why you are leaving the city or country. Explain to him the details of the opportunity being offered so that no confusion remains.

In the next paragraph, make it clear on how this opportunity or decision would benefit you or your family in any way. For example, if a person is leaving for Higher education to a different state, how would it benefit his career.

Finally, in the concluding text, state that you will certainly try to constantly remain in touch and would like to keep your brother updated on any new happenings.


  • 1

    Sample Farewell Letter to Brother

    James Nelsen
    23-Sky Tower,
    13220 Chicago, US
    March 20, 2012

    To Whom It May Concern

    This is in reference to my new job in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I applied to the vacancy of Manager of Finance at Smart Beverages in the Middle East some time back. You will be delighted to know that I have been hired for that post and I will be leaving the country on March 26, 2012.

    I am fortunate enough as the company will be providing me with accommodation and a handsome salary package. I am willing to take this opportunity not only for myself, but for the whole family as my new job will certainly improve our financial condition.

    I know that I will be far away from the family now and it will be difficult for me to visit every three months like I did here. But this step will surely be in the best interests of all of us.

    I will certainly try to keep in touch with you and the family at regular intervals.

    Yours sincerely,

    Simon Nelsen
    14-Twin Towers,
    12450 Atlanta, US

  • 2

    Template of Farewell Letter to Brother

    [Brother’s Name]
    [Brother’s Address]

    To Whom It May Concern

    I am writing this letter with reference to the new assignment I got recently. It is stated that I will be leaving the city because .......................... The time has finally come to fulfil my dream and I am fortunate enough to have been given this opportunity.

    My decision will definitely benefit my future and also the future of the family. I will be leaving with a sad heart as I will not be able to see you often in next few months.

    I will try my best to remain in contact with you and the family.

    Yours sincerely,

    [Your Name]
    [Your Address]

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