Farewell Letter to Daughter

Writing a farewell letter to a daughter is a difficult thing for parents whose daughter is going away from them on a temporary or permanent basis.

Farewell letters are emotional, no matter you are writing them to. In case you are waving goodbye to your daughter, write her a letter that will make her emotional. Be expressive and write in as much detail as you want.

Learn how to write a farewell letter to daughter with the help of our step by step guide.

Tips to write Farewell Letter to Daughter

  • Write in detail
  • Use emotions
  • You can use an informal tone depending upon your relationship


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    Sample of Farewell Letter to Daughter

    Mr. Elena Smith
    13-3J, New Gersy,
    January 11, 2013

    Ms. Catherine Smith
    316, New Wales,

    Dearest daughter,

    My sweetheart Catherine, I am writing this letter with deepest love of my heart and want to tell you that I am proud of you and wish you stay consistent in getting success in a similar manner. I know you are leaving for Kentucky College in a few days for further studies. It is very hard for me to see you going away to a new place but I also want you to complete your education and make me proud.

    Through this letter, I want to tell you that you are the love of my life. After the death of your father, you remained the focus of my attention and I love you so much. I wish you a happy and prosperous life ahead and also pray for your success in you higher studies at Kentucky College.

    I believe you will continue working hard there and will get extraordinary success. I shall miss you a lot in this two-year period. Please stay in touch with me so that I could know that you are well.

    Your loving mother,

    Elena Smith

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    Template of Farewell Letter to Daughter

    [Your Name]
    [Street Address]
    [State and Country Address]

    [Your Daughter’s name]
    [Street Address]
    [State and Country Address]

    Dearest daughter,

    My beloved daughter [Daughter’s Name], I am writing this farewell letter to you for saying that I love you so much. I always pray for your success and I am proud of you that you are going to higher studies at [College Name].

    However, it is very difficult for me to let you go but I want you to rise in life by becoming a successful person. You have been the object of my life since you came into this world. I love you so much and wish you best of luck for your further studies at [College Name].

    Keep working hard in all of your future endeavours and never forget to keep writing me about you. I shall be waiting for your contact.

    Your loving mother,

    [Your Name]

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