Farewell Party Invitation Letter

Farewells are held in order to honour someone around you who is either leaving the place or some activity he has been involved in. So while writing such letters it must be kept in mind that the words you choose in the honour of the person leaving are very thoughtful and considerate.

You have to consider a few points before writing a farewell party invitation letter. For instance, you need to include the date, time and venue for the event. Moreover, you also have to decide whether you will give a personal salutation to everyone, or write a generic letter.

Learn how to write a farewell party invitation letter. Simply scroll down and learn through our template and sample letters.

Tips to Write Farewell Party Invitation Letter

  • Try to give all the details regarding time, venue and date
  • Always be concise
  • Give your contact information just in case


  • 1

    Sample of Farewell Party Invitation Letter:

    Anne David
    #8 ITT Pvt Ltd
    Houghton Street, London
    WC2A 2AE
    United Kingdom
    Joe Brooklyn
    United Kingdom
    #6, Ist floor
    169 Tower Bridge Road London
    SE1 3LF
    Dear Mr. Brooklyn
    We are arranging a farewell party in the honour of a very important asset of our company Mr. David who has been working as a Finance Manager in our company for 10 years. As we all know that he is preparing to leave very soon for our head office in Germany so join us to wish him best wishes.  So you are requested to attend a party on 14-01-2013 at RG restaurant at 8:00 pm.
    We are looking forward to a memorable get together with people like you.
    Yours Sincerely
    Anne David

  • 2

    Template of Farewell Party Invitation Letter:

    [Sender’s Name]
    [Sender’s Address]
    [Sender’s Phone number]
    [Receiver’s Name]
    [Receiver’s Address]
    [Receiver’s Phone Number]
    Dear _____________
    Please give us the pleasure to attend the farewell party of __________ who is going to _______________. The party will be held on __/__/____ at __:__ venue___________.
    We hope to have you in this wonderful event.


    Yours Sincerely

    [Sender's Name]

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