Friendship Letter to Best Friend

A friendship letter to a best friend is an informal letter in which you put into words all those sentiments and gratitude for your friend that you have always wanted to say. You might have heard your best friend saying: “No formalities between you and me!” So the friendship letter also calls for such originality on your part.

As these types of letters are not formal therefore they do not follow a strict format. Some suggest that the letter should be directly started with a date and salutation since the sender’s address is written on envelope. On the other hand some people are of the view that the sender’s name, address and phone number must be mentioned in the letter.

Here you can learn how to write a friendship letter to best friend.

Tips to Write Friendship Letter to Best Friend

  • Be mindful of grammatical and spelling mistakes
  • Write about everything in detail
  • Talk about people, places and events


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    Sample Friendship Letter to a Best Friend:


    Dear Bessie

    Friends like you are very few and exceptional like precious stones. We have been friends since childhood and you have always been there for me in the thick and thin.  We have always shared the joys and sorrows together and I must say that I am so lucky to have a best friend like you.  I always value the sincerest advice you give me at the right time!
    It comes so natural to you to care for others like you care for me. I must appreciate the way you listened to me when I was crying on the phone last time when we talked and the way you cheered me up me! And by the way thanks for such a nice present you gave me on my birthday. You really know my choice!
    You know what I would have never been able to pass out in these finals without you! Thanks for always staying there for me! I hope and pray that our friendship will keep on growing like this forever! And whenever you will need a shoulder to cry on, you will always find me there for you! Have my words!


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    Template Friendship Letter to a Best Friend:

    Dear ______

    I am so blessed to have a friend like as you who have always been there for me in the thick and thin. I cannot put it into words to express how blessed I feel when I am with you.

    Every person has got a good side and the bad side but a real friend is the one who accepts his friend with all the good and bad habits. So thank you for accepting me for what I am and I think that this is the best thing about our friendship.

    I wish you all the best in your life. Take great care of yourself my best friend!!

    ____________(Your Name)

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