Funny Resignation Email

Resignations are never fun. They are often written either because of a better opportunity knocking on the door or the definitive realisation that life will remain tough and ungainly in the current environment. One can, however, make a lighter note of the whole issue by composing a funny email

Start off with customary salutations before you start taking the jibes. Describe the organisation and your stay with it in a humorous manner in the first paragraph. Use good language but do not be worried about the fact that you may sound strange.

In the next paragraph, let it loose. Let them know that you are resigning and you are glad about it. Also, let them know that the managers and the company itself is not as good as they think.

In the end, share some plans of what you wish to do with all the time that you will now have in your hand. Conclude the email with a bit of jest, it will add to the fun.


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    Sample of Funny Resignation Email

    Dear James,

    I have been part of your total bore company that is based on robots who want humans to act in a similar way for a while now. Boy it’s been a helluva ride, in a totally negative way. I felt like a bird in a cage from the very first day.

    If you didn’t see it coming, bang, I resign. Phew, that’s a relief. I wonder how much envy others will have for me as I am a free bird now while they still remain in the slammer. Your company is worthless! I am pretty sure you know that already but the amount of repetition in their makes me say it once again, your company is worthless.

    So I will be hitting the town, away from your silly schedules, boring and needless meetings, enjoying my life. I wish that all my ex-fellow workers can take a leaf out of my book and leave you out to dry.

    Not So Sincerely,

    Dan Williams

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    Template of Funny Resignation Email

    Dear [Name of Addressee],

    There has not been a time when I have not dreamed of moving to greener pastures after joining your totally barren company. With my good fortune, the day has arrived.

    So my good luck and your bad luck, I am resigning from your so called organisation. Soon you will know the gem you have just lost.

    Try not to approach me with a job offer as you guys are totally not worth wasting my time with.

    Yours Whatever,

    [Name of sender]

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