Gamedock Turns Your Iphone into a Games Console

Have you ever experienced a great classic game on your iPhone, or did you ever want to play an amazing iPad game with a friend but two people gripping one tablet just doesn’t seem like a comfortable option?
Now with the GameDock for iOS you can play old, classic games the way they were meant to be played, with two joysticks and a TV. All you need to do is switch in a dock into your TV just like you used to do while playing with a video game console, and plug your iOS device into the dock like a game cartridge.
The GameDock is specifically made for iCade games and dock-ready games that require two-player support and full 1080p high resolution output.
Classic games are the most played games on iPhones, and after the arrival of Cascadia Games on iOS, users started to play these games more frequently. GameDock transforms your iPod, iPhone and iPad into a full-scale game console. Just connect your TV and an iOS device and play all classic games, like Asteroids and Centipede, on a full screen. Another plus is that GameDock will charge itself while playing, so players can play games for as long as they want.
The idea came from two genius minds; developers Chris Jorgensen and Andi Greisel sent the project plan to KickStarter to get financial backing for the project. “I was in the middle of developing a game to the iPhone and I realized it wasn’t producing the authentic gaming experience that I wanted,” said Chris in a video.
Retro games always remind us of our childhood time when we spent hours and hours on these games. The company behind this project is seeking financial funding, and helping these two talented individuals will eventually give us a full time entertaining gaming experience.
At the moment, the project is featured on and is expected to release later this year.