Good Internet Etiquette for Kids

Internet is a facility that has become a vital part of everyone’s daily life in this modern era. The facility is widely used all across the globe and at the moment, almost all the industries, organizations and projects of the world are based entirely on these reliable internet connections. Parents can term the facility of internet as the most useful and an abusive at the same time. Internet is no stranger to the modern day generation of kids as they are as accustomed to the facility as any one, probably even more than the elder generation. However, the abuse of internet is widely reported and studies have indicated that the children use the internet in a negative manner more often than they use it for constructive purposes. In order to make sure that the facility is not being abused at one’s home, he must teach the children to observe some manners regarding the facility.


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    The first and foremost etiquette that needs to be observed is that the child understands that he is not to go on to the negative side that the internet offers, keeping in regard his self respect on the matter. A parent should always instruct him on the matter as the child is bound to find out the ill aspects if he is kept away from the information. This usually creeps through friends and peers who are more involved in to the internet usage. Once a kid knows that he is prohibited to make use of the bad websites, he will inherit the feeling that it is an evil deed and will definitely try to avoid it.

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    The other etiquette that is to be observed by the kid while using internet is that he should be polite in speech and chatting. On internet a kid comes across several fellows and dealing them in a respected manner does nothing less than earn the kid respect him and this grooms him/her in a proper manner that the parents would appreciate.

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    The next manner in line to be learnt by the kid is that he should write clearly and calmly to whosoever is on the other end.

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    The children are also instructed to say the word “please” before making any request to a fellow as it instils a feeling of mutual respect and makes the conversation look healthier.

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    The kids should always end the speech or conversation with a “goodbye” and “thank you” wishes as it indicates a happy and proper end to any conversation.

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