Goodbye Email to Colleagues

Time comes in an employee’s career when he has to leave a job to move forward and he or she often feels the need to send a farewell email to the colleagues with whom a lot of time was spent. Expressing sentiments on leaving them behind and wishing them good luck in their future ventures is quite a nice thing when parting from them. A good farewell email might leave significant impression on your colleagues and you might be remembered for a long time after you have left them. You can write the final goodbye email in a number of ways possible but some tricks to spice it up will deliver both style and professionalism at the same time.


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    Catchy Intro

    It is observed that most of the farewell emails start off very conventionally, being predictable for the readers and seeming mundane. A professional introduction to the email might be very interesting for the readers, compelling them to read more of the message, rather than getting bored. Bashing the organisation and speaking ill of the fellow colleagues in the introduction will certainly diminish the image of the departing employee. Such introduction might burn the bridges and mitigate the chances of future return to the organisation. The true purpose of the farewell email is to confirm the departure of that particular employee, hence, the opening few lines must be very catchy and verbiage in verifying those rumours.

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    Express Appreciation

    The final goodbye email gives the last chance to the departing employee to express his views of appreciation about his colleagues. You need to express your lessons learned from the company, friendships made and all the other positive aspects your fellow workers during your tenure of employment. You should thank your former colleagues for their support at work, their kindness and any sort of assistance they provided. You can specifically mention anyone’s name, who has been the significant contributor to your development as a professional.

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    Adding more spice to your farewell email, you can mention your favourite memories of working with the company. Recall of certain memories that involve several other colleagues can assist in strengthening the bond between co-workers. Care should be taken while mentioning the memorable events occurred outside the office, as such incidents might have no place in business emails.

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    Close on a High Note

    Your farewell email should end it on an optimistic note, setting hopes for the future voyages of your former colleagues. You can also mention information about your personal email address or social network, so those who want to stay in touch with you after your departure find it easy.

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