Google Acquires Social Toolbar Company Meebo

Confirming the speculations from last month, Google Inc, the search giant, is now the owner of Meebo Inc. Founded in 2005, Meebo initially started its operations as a web-based instant messaging service and years later, the company expanded into a social toolbar product for publishers.

Meebo’s toolbar has been extremely helpful in generating revenue for the company. A report prepared by comScore, indicate that the site was getting almost 100 million users in a month. Recently, the company comes up with a new home site, offering a competitive sharing tool.

The deal was confirmed today and Meebo wrote in a post on the company blog;

“We are happy to announce that Meebo has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google!

For more than seven years we’ve been helping publishers find deeper relationships with their users and to make their sites more social and engaging. Together with Google, we’re super jazzed to roll up our sleeves and get cracking on even bigger and better ways to help users and website owners alike.

We’ve had a blast building Meebo so far and we’re really excited to start the next leg of our journey.

Thank you all for coming along for the ride!
Meebo Team”

The acquisition of Meebo is expected to bring additional technologies and staff under the Google management, but it is still unclear how Google will integrate the company it is acquiring into its present social efforts.

According to technology blog All Things Digital, Google was in negotiations with Meebo few weeks ago, and the deal was expected to be finalized in $100 million. However, details are still mysterious with regard to the price of the acquisition.

While confirming the deal, representatives from Google are quite confident that the deal will certainly bring considerable improvements in the capabilities of its Google plus social network.

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