Greek Salad with Tahini Dressing Recipe

Everything associated with Greeks is good looking and delicious, be it the men or the food. Here is a Greek salad with a seducing taste and looks so good on the salad platter, people like me will rush to get their cameras.

An easy to make dish that has the potential to steal the limelight from all others and be the talk of the table. High on vegetables which obviously make it a low on cholesterol and all other nuisance, it is the perfect side dish to go with any dinner even or even lunch, a pool part, bar b q or when you feel like pampering yourself in the evenings on the lounge couch.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Serving Size: 4 persons
Utensils: mixing bowl, salad platter, knife


– 200g feta cheese
– 1 small lettuce, torn into bite-sized pieces
– 1/2 cucumber, halved length ways and sliced
– 350g large plum tomatoes, sliced
– 1 small red onion, halved and thinly sliced
– 20 stoned Kalamata olives
– 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
– 1 tbsp tahini
– 1 tbsp lemon juice
– 4 large sprigs of fresh flat-leaf parsley


  • 1

    Drain the liquid from feta cheese and soak it in cold water to remove any extra saltiness. Remove after a while and let it dry.

  • 2

    Place Lettuce leaves on four different salad platters and arrange the cucumber, tomato and red onion slices over these leaves. Now scatter the olives over these plates.

  • 3

    In a small bowl, combine the oil, tahini, lemon juice and black pepper. Whisk well. You can also use a screw to jar. When you get an even mixture, add the parsley into this dressing.

  • 4

    Crumble the feta and spread 2/3 of it over the platters. Drizzle the dressing on top followed by rest of the feta. Enjoy this nutty and cheesy salad.

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