Grievance Appeal Letter

At times employees face issues and have concerns which need to be raised, after which the management proposes a solution or resolves the issue to their satisfaction. However, if you are not satisfied by the measures taken in regards to your grievance, you can write a grievance appeal letter.

An appeal letter of this nature is usually addressed to your supervisor and includes your arguments against the action taken by the management and how it has failed to redress your grievance.

Tips for Writing a Grievance Appeal Letter

  • Your language must remain formal and professional throughout
  • Do not make any personal accusations or comments regardless of your grievance
  • Elaborate on your concerns and why you are not satisfied with the resolution
  • Express your desired redress for the grievance
  • Sign the letter in the end


  • 1

    Sample of a Grievance Appeal Letter

    James Anderson,
    Communication Officer,
    Multimedia pvt. Ltd,
    47 South Circle Wallington, CA 9610

    January 9, 2013

    Phil Mickelson,
    Multimedia pvt. Ltd,
    47 South Circle Wallington, CA 9610

    Subject: Request to reconsider disciplinary action

    Dear Mr. Mickelson,

    I am writing this letter to request for the reconsideration of the disciplinary action taken by the committee against me. Unfortunately, the committee did not take my answers into consideration and went ahead with their verdict despite evidence to the contrary.

    The suspension due to smoking inside office premises is on the grounds that I was ‘seen’ smoking on January 3rd, 2013 in the meeting room around 4pm. However, I was in the parking lot at the stipulated time and could not have been smoking in the meeting room.

    I would like to appeal against the suspension and would recommend that camera recordings be obtained from the IT department for reviewing my whereabouts at the time.

    Kindly forward my appeal and expedite its resolution in the interest of fairness.

    Hoping to receive a positive response from you,


    James Anderson

  • 2

    Template of a Grievance Appeal Letter
    [Sender name]
    [Sender’s position]
    [Sender organization name]
    [Address, City, state, zip code]


    [Recipient's Name]
    [Recipient's position]
    [Recipient's organization]
    [Address, City, state and zip code

    Subject: [Your issue and the subject of the appeal]

    Dear [Last name of the addressee],

    I am writing this letter to formally appeal against the (Action taken by management) by the managed regarding (The main issue). With all due respect, the decision is unfair, unjust and does not take into account my arguments and evidence.

    As per our policy, I was (Accused, denied, suspended) of (Your grievance), which was unfair due to the fact that (Your evidence and arguments).

    I would like you to reconsider the decision in the light of my arguments and rectify the situation at your earliest.

    If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.

    Looking forward to a positive response from you,


    [Your name]

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