Name Yourself Day Overview

National Name Yourself Day is celebrated on April 9 every year. It is your golden chance to name yourself whatever you would like for a day. However, if you do not like your name for any reason and want to change it, then you can take advantage of this special day to select a new name for life! Name Yourself Day is an actually fun and exciting event for those people who do not like their name, or who just want to do something unique. Forget about your current name, select a new impressive name, and be someone else for 24 hours.


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    Origin of Name Yourself Day

    Research could not find the particular person who started National Name Yourself Day, or when it was first observed. However, we are quite sure that someone who was a bit tired of their name, and needed a unique name of their choice for a day started it. Most likely, they threw up their hands and announced something like “That's it! I am changing my name for a day.”

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    Select a unique name for the day

    Do not forget that you have just one day to rule the world with a name of your choice; therefore make sure to come up with a different and unique name. Simply take a good look in your room’s mirror, and decide what best suits your appearance and personality? On the other hand, you can involve your friends, family members, and colleagues to refer to you by an absurdly unique title. Besides that, you can play around with different names and come up with a unique and catchy name for the day. You can try random name generator and fantasy name generator in order to select a new name.

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    Let others know about your new name

    Let people around you know about your new name. For this purpose, you can use some useful social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc. In addition to that, you can send them a message or call to wish them Name Yourself Day, and to let them know about your new name.

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    Celebrate National Name Yourself Day

    Celebrate National Name Yourself Day to make it one of the memorable days of your life. Get an idea on How to Celebrate Name Yourself Day.

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