Creating a Dissertation Outline

A famous idiom has been instilled in our heads since childhood which is, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Same is the case with a dissertation – which is always judged by its outline. If you worked hard on the main-body of your dissertation, but were still unable to produce an impressive outline, then all your efforts were in vain. This is why there is a need to keep your outline short, simple and to the point. Design your outline in such a way that it highlights what is in store for a reader in terms of the material written.  Coming up with an impressive outline that intrigues your reader to go through the whole dissertation is an integral part of the process.


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    The first step in creating a dissertation outline is to identify what your dissertation or thesis is about. A clear idea of it will help you get started with focused information about your dissertation. Not only that but a proper knowledge of your dissertation will help you express your ideas in a better way.

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    Give a proper structure to your dissertation outline. Make sure all parts of the dissertation outline are placed in a proper sequence and are interrelated to each other. Your outline should be a plausible connection of the text, in which the introduction, aims and objectives, problem identification, literature review, analysis and conclusion ought to be included.

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    Introduction of the dissertation will always remain on the top of your outline. Move on with the aims and objectives, background information of the selected topic, problem identification, hypothesis, literature review, background, and the current status of the topic. Moving on, you can also add research methodologies, results, presentations, and a description of the results of dissertation, besides a discussion and interpretation of the them. Last but not the least will be a conclusion of your overall dissertation.

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    Once you are done with the outline of your dissertation, go through it several times in order to make sure that it is error free. Typing mistakes or grammatical errors can leave a very negative impact on your instructor.

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    Now, make at least two copies of the outline of your dissertation before handing it over to the instructor. The photocopies of your outline will serve as a proof of your dissertation work. In case if your instructor misplaces the original outline, you can provide him or her with the photocopy.

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