Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples

Halloween is the only day when the couples can dress up completely disgusting without caring about others. Either you are husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, or just two best friends; Halloween is your chance to show your love for each other. There are hundreds of Halloween costume ideas for couples, you can wear scary, funky, funny, cute, sporty or may be little serious sort of costumes on Halloween.

Now, if you are really excited about the Halloween costumes ideas as a couple, simply scroll down to view the exciting thoughts:


  • 1

    Famous Couples

    If you are admired by any famous couple, then Halloween is your opportunity to dress up and look like them. However, make sure that your Halloween costume is well-designed.  You can dress up like famous celebrity couples, famous historical couples, Sports couples or famous cartoon couple.

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    Matching Couples

    If you want to present yourself as a couple who obviously go together, then the Matching couple costumes are the right choice for you. For example, you can dress up as cowboy and cowgirl, King and Queen, Prince and Princess, Gangster and Flapper, Priest and Nun etc.

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    Food Couples

    Fit out in food couple costumes and make the taste buds of the people tingle. Peanut-butter and jelly, salt and pepper, bacon and egg, fork and spoon etc are some unique ideas for food couple costumes.

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    Funny Couples

    Be the hit of your Halloween party by putting on costumes to instigate a lot of laughter. Clown couples costumes, Mr.  & Mrs. Potato Head costumes, Pot & plant costumes, Toy story couple costumes, Animal costumes, Insect costumes, Plant costumes, Bee and beekeeper couple costumes, and Needle and thread etc are some good ideas to look like funny couples on Halloween.

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    Cartoon and Fictional Character Couples

    Think of dressing up like Super Mario Couples, Gonzo Couples, Simpson's Couples, Batman & Robin Couple, Watchmen Couples, Mickey & Minnie Couples, Ken & Barbie Couples, Donald & Daisy Duck Couples, Garfield & Odie Couples, Tom & Jerry, Jack & Jill Couples etc.

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    Technology Couples

    You can dress up like a technology equipments to look different and unusual from others. Think of Plug & Socket Costumes, USB Port & Stick Costumes, Bun Maker & Bun in Oven Costumes etc.

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    Everyday Object Couples

    Dress like everyday objects in order to show that you are the best couple of Halloween and are incomplete without each other. Cat and Mouse, Soap and Water, Spider and Web, Toothbrush and Toothpaste, Book and Bookmark, Pen and Paper etc are some great examples of everyday object couple costumes for Halloween.

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    Sporty Couples

    Sporty Couple costumes are another cool way to have fun on Halloween. Dress up like a player and cheerleader, your favorite sport players, famous sport players, referee and a payer, bat and ball, boxer and trainer etc.

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    Professional Couples

    Halloween provides the couples with an opportunity to dress up as their favorite professional pairing. Consider gussying up a doctor and a nurse, student and a teacher, pilot and airhostess, librarian and a book, vehicle and a driver etc.

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    Scary Couples

    If you really want to make others blood run cold this Halloween, then dress up as scary as you can. You have the option to adopt a look like Zombie Bride and Groom, Wizard and Witch, Vampire and his Mistress, Pirate Couples, Skeleton Couples, Roman Empress Couples etc.

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