Happy Birthday Email to Colleague

Birthdays are special and most people love to celebrate them in their favourite ways with the near and dear ones. It is understandable as the event only occurs once a year. On this occasion, it is always a great idea to at least wish the person who has the birthday and if possible, also give them a present. If you get an invite, make sure you make it to the party and be a part of another person’s joy.

If one of your co-workers is having a birthday, a nice way of wishing them is to greet them via email as it will serve the purpose without you having to disrupt the office environment. Many offices do not appreciate social gatherings during work so an email can do the job very well.

Writing such an email is not difficult at all and can be composed with a fair amount of ease. It only takes a few minutes yet one can make another person’s day by writing a few simple lines of kind words on their special day.

If you are addressing a co-worker of similar rank and age, you can be frank on how you write the email. Address the person with his or her first name. However, if you are emailing someone older in age, even if that person holds the same place in hierarchy as you, show respect and address them with their last name.

Congratulate the birthday boy or girl heartily. Use appropriate language and make sure that if there are any rules regarding the use of email in your office and a certain code of language is required, make sure that you follow it. Do not go overboard in any case. You can also add a small poem if you have a bit of a poet in you or can get one from the internet that are available on websites that offer various similar services. A good quote for the occasion is also a good idea.

It is also a good idea to add an e-card for the birthday of the co-worker. There are hundreds of free websites that offer the service and you can pick a nice card as per the taste of the person you are sending it to. It’s a small gesture but the person who receives such a card feels good about it. It also shows the person that you care for him or her.


  • 1

    Sample Happy Birthday Email to Colleague:

    Dear John,

    I hope that my email finds you in the best of health on this special day of your life. It’s a once a year event and I hope that you have a blast on your birthday. May you have many more.

    I wish you all the best for today and in life and I must confess that you have been a delightful coworker. I hope to continue having a pleasurable experience of working with you.

    Warm Regards,

    Denzel W
    Assistant Manager

  • 2

    Template Happy Birthday Email to Colleague:

    Dear [Name],

    I hope that my email finds you in the best of health. [Name] it is most certainly a special occasion for you. On this day I hope that you and your near and dear ones have a blessed day. [Name] enjoy the time as the time spent with the loved ones is the greatest asset in one’s life.

    It is always a pleasure to be in your company [Name] and may you have many more.

    Warm Regards,

    Sender’s Name

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