How an Automated Traffic Control System Works

The expanding number of automobiles on the road gives proof of urbanization and growth, but this positive change comes with a disadvantage. Not all of the vehicles are involved in accidents. However, it is true that along with the ever growing number of automobiles the number of road accidents have increased. In a developed area, it is common to see a traffic light turn from red to green or from green to yellow. Due to these mishaps traffic control has been automated in the last couple of decades.

Nevertheless, this means reduction in jobs for traffic and safety officials and improved chances of safety provided that rules and regulations are followed. On the other hand, since the inception of this technology, traffic management has become easier and vehicles flow freely as a result of this. Moreover, highway traffic has improved as well.


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    The introduction of new technology in highways

    Traffic safety has benefitted on highways because of speed detectors and automated red light running detection. People who used to abuse the traffic rules have become cautious and wary of these advancements, and as a result try to follow the rules to avoid fines and punishment. The introduction of equipment and better traffic planning has helped reduce the amount of violations.

    Safety of the people is more secure now. Moreover, some government authorities and agencies have worked hard to improve security, systems and flow of traffic. Ground breaking changes have occurred and a few schemes have been devised to deal with the ever growing number of automobiles that move in and out of cities, places and rural places.

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    The introduction of automated red light running detection program has reduced the number of traffic violations. There are different ways to control traffic. The most used are signs, road lines and traffic lights. Signs are easy to read and understand and are thereby followed. Road lines tell you which area is accessible and the certain lanes an automobile can occupy.

    Safety of the people is more secure now. Moreover, some government authorities and agencies have worked hard to improve security, systems and flow of traffic. Ground breaking changes have occurred and a few schemes have been devised to deal with the ever growing number of automobiles that move in and out of cities, places and rural places.

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    Traffic lights use a complex automated system that depends on programs and sensors. There are two kinds of traffic lights; fixed time and the variable time. The green light will be on for 60 seconds and off for the time the other traffic lights turn green in the fixed time. The variable type depends on underground sensors that check the flow of traffic coming onto the signal. It can stay at green light longer if there is heavy traffic.

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