How Do You Get Aids from Someone

AIDS is one of the stages of HIV infection, which indicates the development of a variety of infections in human body. To determine the presence or absence of infection with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) requires several millilitres of blood from a vein for analysis.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is by far one of the most difficult diseases and currently remains incurable despite modern medicines have created some of the treatments.
HIV or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome does not develop immediately. This viral disease characterized by lesions of the human immune system and the development of secondary infections and neoplastic processes.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Once in the body, the virus attacks the immune system, leading to the fact that a person loses the ability to resist disease. Despite the fact that the timely and complete drug treatment can significantly prolong the lives of AIDS patients, a complete cure of the disease is not possible. If you want to protect yourself from AIDS, take the necessary preventive measures.
The most common mode of transmission of AIDS is sexual contact. To avoid infection in casual partnerships always use a condom.
Another popular way to get AIDS is injecting drugs. If you use them again and again each time using a sterile syringe and needle, the probability of getting this disease is maximum because the syringe retains a sufficient amount of virus to infect another person.
If you are caring for a person with AIDS or in contact with his blood, use disposable gloves. If your skin is damaged, wounds, cuts, it is better to refrain from such contact until it heals.
During a visit to the dentist or any beautician, check that the needle and syringe are sterile, disposable and better at the time of analysis and during other operations. Ask the nurse to open package for you. If you require frequent injections, it is better to buy your own syringes.
If you are still in contact with an infected person, try to consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is recommended to visit a health centre for 12-72 hours. The doctor will prescribe a drug for emergency prevention of AIDS, which will not allow infection to spread.