How to Make a Valentine Lollipop

Valentine’s Day provides all lover’s with a great opportunity to show their true feelings towards their loved ones. There are several different ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day and while some people give out flowers and chocolates, others make things at home to surprise their significant others. Rather than buying something ready made from a shop, it is much better to make something for them at home, as it shows them the effort you are willing to put in. Making Valentine lollipops is a great idea, especially if you have kids. It is very easy and an interesting activity as well. Just follow the guide below to create cute looking Valentine’s lollipops at home.

Things required:

-Coloured construction paper
-Gel pens


  • 1

    Take a construction paper sheet of your partner's favorite color and draw hearts on it. You can also get print outs of the hearts on coloured pages. Do not forget to measure the hearts to the lollipop in order to make sure that your hearts completely cover the base of your lollipop. Cut your hearts out carefully.

  • 2

    Write a message on one side of the hearts with the help of gel pens or multicoloured glitter. You can write a message regarding Valentine’s Day, your relationship or how special your kids are for you.

  • 3

    Take a green construction paper and draw leaves of same size on it. Now cut the leaves gradually.

  • 4

    Pick up the lollipops one by one and tape the hearts containing your Valentine’s Day messages to their sides. It is better to use double-sided tape to attach the heats properly.

  • 5

    Now you need to tape the two green leaves to your valentine lollipop. Make sure to tape the leaves on the opposite side of the stick of the lollipop. You can arrange the leaves in a natural pattern, with one higher than the other.

  • 6

    Your Valentine lollipops are ready and you can distribute them to your loved ones with the special messages.

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