How Plants Drink Water

Water is essential for life as much as any other thing on planet Earth. Almost all living organisms that exist rely heavily on this amazing gift from nature, including plants. But unlike animals which usually drink water through their mouths, plants soak up water through a process called ‘transpiration’. If you are a Science student in a primary school and want to show something for your science project then showing the process of transpiration is a great experiment to get you a good grade. You can conduct this experiment to show the way plants take in water and other nutrients. The time involved in this experiment may be over two weeks but it is easy and quite cheap. It is advised to seek supervision before the experiment and make sure you have the following readily available.

Things Required:
– Digital camera
– Computer with internet access
– Colored printer
– Freshly cut and assorted white flowers
– Clear plastic cups or very small glasses (2)
– Sharp kitchen knife of small size
– Colors used in food
– Office tools (paper, pens & poster-board)


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    Freshly cut White Flower

    Gather a few freshly cut white flowers from a garden or flower shop. Make sure their stem is at least 6 inches long.

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    Water in Cups

    Pour about 3 tablespoons of water in cups that contain flowers and take their photos with the digital camera.

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    Adding color

    Add bright colors in each of the cups. This color may be in the form of food color, syrup, ink, iodine, beet juice, grape juice etc. Once you have added the colors, label each cup according to the color that has been added.

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    The stem split

    Take a fresh white flower and with the help of a sharp razor, cut the stem from its center horizontally, starting from halfway up and continuing all the way down.

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    Take photo at this stage

    Now have one part of the stem placed in one cup, and the other part in the other cup. After this, take a photograph of the flower with a digital camera.

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    Observation and results:

    After 24 to 48 hours, observe the flower and compare it with the photograph taken earlier. You may add water to the glasses if necessary. You will notice that the flowers soak up the water through their stem. The two different colored ends of the white flower will indicate the water has been sucked by the flowers.

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