How to Act Like a Rich Girl

Almost everyone wants to be rich or at least look rich but hardly few know how to have a convincing personality. That is just because people do not know that richness is not all about wealth rather it is an approach towards life.

It includes personality, behaviour, etiquettes and lot of other things. If you want to have a charmed personality then there are some protocols to follow. Do not worry; you won’t have to transform yourself rather it is all about few adjustments in your mental approach. Just be consistent and you will see the magic prevailing.


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    Think rich:

    First and the foremost thing you need to do is to think like a rich girl. You must know that attitude comes from brain. However, thinking like moneyed person does not mean pretending and self deception.

    You must have noticed that rich people have self-respect and confidence. You should know your worth and this will boost your confidence.

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    Another important thing is your behaviour. You must know that old moneyed people are well-bred and well mannered. If you have really good behaviour then you won’t have to swear to make others believe. Do not ever go over the top rather be nice and courteous to others and this will create a positive image of you.

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    The next thing is how you communicate. You must develop your vocabulary and speak like a lady. Avoid slangs as much as you can. However, make sure that you are not too much formal as it will put them in doubt. You can strike the right balance by learning from films and dramas.

    Try to notice how elite class characters speak and behave and then apply that knowledge in real life. You can also make an idol and follow that person.

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    Stay updated:

    Though, you will never see rich people discussing petty issues of daily life but it is always good to know what is happening around the world. Read news paper, visit informative websites and ultimately you will be well equipped with useful information.

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    Now, when you have a complete personality, it’s time to work on your appearance. First of all, you must know what look good on you and what does not go with your image.

    Spend some money in getting branded outfits, accessories and quality make-up. However, keep in mind that less is more. Just be yourself in every getup.

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