How to Act Like You Have a Boyfriend

Do you want others to think that you have a boyfriend? It can be for any reason that you want to show the world that you are already taken. There are ways in which you can let others know that you are currently committed and that will definitely help your cause.


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    Make a name

    For obvious reasons, if you are to tell other people that you are already taken, you will have to tell them who that particular person is. Therefore, think of a name and tell others that you are dating a guy of that name. Think about any random name, and it is not necessary that the name is of your liking.

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    Go out on a date

    When others ask you that they want you to join them at a party, tell them that you cannot come since you are hanging out with your special someone. You should know that you cannot centre yourself around that someone because the others will then ask to meet that person. Therefore, remain in your limits so that others do not force you to reveal the person you are dating.

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    Make no mistake

    When you tell other people that you are currently going out with someone, you should know each and everything about that special someone. It is just like dating someone in reality. You know each and everything about that person and you do not want others to find out that you are making things up. Therefore, plan the personality out and know each and everything about him. For example: Where he lives, where he has graduated from and where he is currently working.

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    Create account

    Try making a fake account of your imaginary boyfriend. That will help others believe that you are dating someone. Write yourself a few e-mails so that you can show others that you are busy talking to someone all night.

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    Have fights

    Since no relationship is perfect, you should tell others that you are currently going through a bad phase in your relationship. Make up a break-up story and that will make others believe that you are currently going through a fight with your boyfriend.

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    Speak about his bad side

    Since nobody is perfect, you should tell others what you dislike about your boyfriend. Make things up which guys do and you do not like. For example: Speak about his smoking habits and how he is rude to you when you guys fight.

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