How to Add a Retweet Button to a PDF Document

Twitter has been constantly revolutionizing the ways of communication and making it quite easier for its users to do their routine tasks over there. Initially, retweet buttons were only used to blog posts and website pages, but now Twitter has allowed them to place in PDF files as well. Whether it is an eBook, reports, a white paper, social media guides or any other PDF, you can now share them with your friends on Twitter and make it easy for them to retweet your work. If your friends like your work, they can share your PDF with their friends on Twitter, and in this way your readers will be able to post a message on Twitter regarding your work while they are reading it. Moreover, you get a number of benefits from it because each retweet can have your Twitter ID, a link back to your PDF or your site, and much more. This eventually helps to grow your social network on Twitter, as well as increase traffic on your personal site. Read this simple article, and learn to add a retweet button to a PDF document.


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    Retweet Button

    To start with, you need a retweet button which will be placed to your PDF document. This button will help people to retweet.

    You can use the given below image or get it from Google images.

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    Prepare the tweet

    You have to write a tweet that will appear in Twitter when someone hits on your retweet button.

    - Try to be precise to about 120 characters or less. In this way, it will be helpful  for others to retweet or add comments to the tweet.
    - It is advisable to use a short URL that can be easily tracked. Try to direct  people to landing page so that they can get an idea about your document.
    - Include a hashtag.
    - Make sure to add your Twitter ID. By doing this, you will be able to get more  followers.

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    Create the Retweet URL

    After preparing your tweet, you have to create a retweet URL.

    This is an interesting part of the whole process and you have to do this in three simple steps.

    - Copy this text and place it in the beginning  of your URL.
    - Now, type your tweet message next to it:  status=RT: @eugenoprea How to Add a Retweet Button to A PDF Document #rtpdf
    - Replace all the spaces with the “+” sign and the “#” sign with “%23″, as shown in  the example below;

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    Create Your PDF File and Embed Retweet Button

    Now, you have to place the retweet button into your document and then add the retweet URL into the retweet graphic as a hyperlink.

    For adding a hyperlink to a PDF document, you should have PDF creation software like Adobe Acrobat (not Adobe Reader).

    After that open Microsoft Word and paste retweet graphic there.

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    Now right click on that tweet graphic and select hyperlink from the list of options.

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    Insert your retweet URL, and hit OK button. Now, the Twitter retweet button has been linked with the retweet URL. It is also embedded in your document.

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    Finalize the PDF File

    To convert this document into a PDF, click Create PDF button. Now the retweet button has been successfully added inside your PDF document.

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