How to Add Enthusiasm to Your Cover Letter

A cover letter without any ambition and enthusiasm is doomed to fail. Why? Because it fails to capture the attention of the reader. The reader will read it casually, and may slip it under a pile of papers, with the thought that he will have a look at it when he has spare time—which may mean that the recipient will not read your letter if he has plenty of other letters to read. To avoid this unwanted treatment, you need to add enthusiasm in your cover letter that can force the reader to read it, and then move on to the real documents you have attached with it.
Cover letters are intended to cause the reader to take action, i.e. have a look at the next document (the actual one), which may be a CV, a business report, business proposal, or any other important material (text).
Every reader of the cover letter has their own purpose and aim, and writing things that make them happy is the key to success. For example, a letter attached with a CV is generally geared toward letting the employer know that he is making the right choice in hiring this employee. So, the letter will try to convince the employer and force him to move on to the CV. This may bode well for the sender, and might entice the recipient to give an interview call to the potential employee. Remember, that enthusiasm should not revolve around self-praise—it should reflect that you have what it takes to do the job you are trying for, and in what ways you can be of use to the organisation.
Reflect a can-do attitude
Right from the start of your cover letter, every word you use should reflect that you mean whatever you are saying. You should not make it sound like you are less than 100%. Try to sound as confident as you can, and let the reader think that you have what it takes to fill in the vacant position. -
Start with experience
Your cover letter should start with the thing that concerns the reader the most. In your case, job experience. Since every employer who is looking to hire new employees wants to know how experienced the candidate is. Do not open the first paragraph by saying things like, how much you want this job because you think you are the right candidate for it. It does not impress the prospective employer. -
Be positive
Come across as being positive. If you are applying for a job that is considered tough in your respective industry, do not write: “I feel/think that I am confident enough to carry out that task/job”—it will give the impression that you are not fully confident, and you doubt your skills. Come right out of your shell and say: “I am fully capable of doing this job, as I know what it takes to get it done.”