How to add Google AdSense to a WordPress blog

Blogging has become one of the most popular and easiest ways of interacting with your target audience. WordPress provides free blogging experience where you can create blogs of your choice and can make a good amount of money online by putting up different ads on your blogs.

Google Adsense is the most convenient way to make money online. You can easily put up banners from Google Adsense on your blog to earn money. It is not very difficult to add Google Adsense to your WordPress blog. All you need is a little time to understand the procedure which has been mentioned in the given steps.


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    First of all, you have to understand that why Google Adsense is best for your blog. There are many reasons which make Google Adsense special. The most important reason is the reliability that you will receive your respective share from the advertisement. Although, they keep a little bit commission from the advertisement, but you still get handsome amount after all the deductions.

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    You can put up ads from Google Adsense in several ways. For instance, you can put up ads as banner at the top of your blog. Furthermore, you put ad as sidebar or in your content.

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    To add Google Adsense on your WordPress, you will have to create an ad first. Go to the Adsense Dashboard and then select the ‘My Ads’ menu. Make a new ad from the options. After that, you have to customise you ad which depends on the layout of your design. There are many default styles which are available on your dashboard. If you don’t want to customise your ad, you can use the default settings.

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    Now, you have to install the quick Adsense plugin on your computer. This plugin will allow you to make more than one banners for a single page which will eventually help you in putting up different kinds of ads at once.

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    After that, you just have to copy and paste the codes on your blog. You should know that Google Adsense only allows you to add three ads on one page. After pasting the codes, save all the changes in order to display the ads on your blog.

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    You must keep a record of all your analytics in order to manage your ads well to earn good amount of money.

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