How to Alter Clothes After Weight Loss

In everyone’s life, when they lose that much weight that their old clothes don’t even fit them. Therefore, it is normal for clothes to get lose, once you have lost weight. Your entire wardrobe become  too big for you. You have the option to either buy new clothes or alter the old ones that you already have. Moreover, you can also give your old clothes to a charity or sell them to fund your new clothes. It would be more cost effective to alter the clothes rather than spending a lot of money on purchasing brand new clothes. There are a few things that can come in handy before you start altering your clothes. You can begin with right tools and technique, as they will help you alter clothes after weight loss all by yourself, without the aid of any external person or seamstress. However you will need to start the practice of altering your clothes at your place.

Things Required:

– Tape measure
– Tailor’s chalk
– Needle
– Thread
– Scissors
– Sewing machine


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    Take good measure of the clothes

    Observe the clothes carefully before you choose to alter it. Place the cloth ( need alteration ) on a level surface, then put your dress of current size on top of it, to mark  dimensions. Highlight the new stitching line where you will be making the alter seams. You can mark this by the help of tailor’s chalk.

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    Alter and try it

    Fold the altered seam and crease it with your hand. Sew loosely (baste) the seam with a thread and needle. Be careful and try your dress to check if it fits correctly on you. If you still require more alteration, then take them off. Make the adjustments and try it on again until it is your exact size.

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    Sew using a sewing machine

    Attach by stitches the new seam that you altered with a sewing machine. Cut off the extra material from either side of the seam. This can be done with the help of a pair of scissors. Make sure to iron the new seams to keep the cloth flat. On the other hand, you can also perform this activity with the help of a friend. Tell your friend to mark the areas to be altered for you, while you are wearing the clothes. This can be a more accurate way to get a perfect fit.

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