How to Analyze Characters in Literature

Characters are the most crucial components of any literature as they drive its plot and story. You cannot understand literature until you analyse the characters well. Analysing characters improves your critical analysis skills and you can develop a good sense of reading. It is often very difficult to understand and analyse the characters in the literature as they relate to the normal human beings around the world and it is really tough to study the human behaviour which is extremely unpredictable and depends upon the circumstances in the surroundings. The given steps can help you to analyse characters in any literature.
First of all, you have to read the text very carefully. Don’t ever take anything for granted while reading as a smallest detail can be of high significance. You must take notes of the characters which have been discussed in the literature or you can simply underline the main paragraphs, sentences or phrases in the text.
Then, you have to determine the relationship of the characters with the overall plot of the story. The best way to understand the stance of any character in the literature is to put your own self in his or her shoes to know their position and reaction towards the things which are going around them.
In order to create understanding about the actions of the characters in the story, it is extremely important for you to know the environment in which they live. It will also help you to notice their strengths and weaknesses.
You have to know the intentions and aims of the characters and how they hide or express the things which they feel. If you will take the characters as normal persons of the world, you may be able to affiliate them with the people in your surroundings. Even though, it is not a prudent way in analysing characters as there is always some differences in the circumstances. However, it helps in making a connection and identifying the causes of the characters’ actions.
The most difficult thing is to note down the differences in the characters’ thinking and behaving in a particular scenario. If you will be able to understand the variations between thoughts and expressions of the characters, you can analyse them in a much better way.
You can also take help by determining the intent of the author towards the introduction and development of the characters in the story.