How to Analyze Your Handwriting Online

A person’s handwriting can say a lot about him/her than the actual words he speaks or writes. By analysing the handwriting, you can even judge a person’s character, motive and mood. Handwriting samples are analysed during court proceedings and for approving applications for memberships and employment. Analysing handwriting is not as hard as some of you may think. Consider following some simple tips and techniques to analyse your colleagues and employees’ handwriting on letters, lists and greeting cards.  Learn the slants and swirls of handwriting that explains our attitudes and egos. Although experts spend years to master the art of handwriting analysis, there is an easy way for the beginners to learn how this analysis works.

Things Required:

– Computer with internet access
– A mouse
– Handwriting samples


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    Before doing anything else you will need to make sure that you have the skills to be able successfully analyse a person’s handwriting. You will be required to pay attention to details when performing this task. Usually it can take a long time to learn how to analyze somebody's handwriting but with the internet you can now do it in minutes. Impatient people can find handwriting analysis very challenging. Once you have made up your mind about learning the tricks of the trade consider navigating to the Handwriting Personality Quiz at the web link given below:

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    As you navigate to this webpage, you will be asked to use your mouse to provide a writing sample. It is recommended to use a hard copy of your hand writing for this test to give accurate and precise results. After you upload your handwriting samples, you will be asked to provide personal details including your full name, age and traits of your personality.

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    As you submit all the details, the web application will process the information to deliver a free and fun analysis of your handwriting. The accuracy of these results might even surprise you. You may also choose to go to Graphology for getting another free analysis of your handwriting. This website uses your own observations to produce an accurate advice on handwriting variations. You will be required to provide your email address as a copy of handwriting analysis results will be sent at your email address. Read the results email to see if they are thorough and precise.

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    Take your time when providing details relative to your handwriting. The more accurate the data, the more accurate will be the study. You will find it very fun and informative to have your handwriting analyzed accurately.

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