How to Appeal an IRS Decision Letter

Tax payers often find themselves in difficultly after being turned down by the Internal Revenue Service. The disagreement will not only be due to an audit dispute, but can arise as a result of certain penalties and interests you were unaware of or simply due to a rejection for a tax settlement.
If you feel that appeal is the only option left, it is important to explain your position with facts. The IRS will review your case before deciding whether to consider your request.
Review the IRS decision letter and pick out points which you don’t agree with. Make sure that you qualify under the IRS criteria of appeal, or the program for which you applied for. Moreover, you will have certain information that will support your case or makes your appeal valid under the IRS criteria.
Determine the time frame to file an appeal. After you have been denied qualification, the letter will clearly state that you can fight the decision within 30 days. In some cases, the length is extended to 60 days from the date the letter was issued to you.
Prepare the necessary paperwork for your appeal. The IRS most certainly will include a form, with the decision letter, which you will need to fill in case of an appeal. If you received the form, fill it out. In case you did not, prepare a letter to file a written protest.
You need to mention your personal details such as name, address, Social Security number and contact information. Clearly mention that you are requesting an appeal conference. The IRS Appeal Officer will make note of that and will prepare a phone conference.
Clearly state the reasons of disagreement with the IRS decision letter. Check other tax publications to build your case. Also, the problem may be due to the fact that IRS did not properly apply the law in your situation, or simply misinterpreted some facts. Refer to specific IRS decisions that you feel were incorrect, and back your case up with facts.
Sign the letter after attaching the original decision with it. Make copies for your own sake before mailing it to the desired address. An Appeal Officer will be assigned to your case, who will then contact you after reviewing your information. The Appeal Officer may require additional information, such as your financial statements IRS form etc.