How To Apply a Top Coat on Acrylic Nails

Acrylic nails are a fun option if you are looking to add length and style to your nails. In addition to making your hands appear more attractive, acrylic nails offer a lot of room for creative nail art – everything from plain colours to intricate nail designs can be used. However, in order to keep the polish on your acrylic nails shiny, and protect it from chipping and peeling, a top coat of clear polish is necessary. This will allow your coloured nail polish to retain its sheen, and offer it some protection from the deteriorating influences it is likely to encounter daily.

Things Required:

– Clear top coat nail polish


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    Begin by selecting a suitable top coat polish. Buy from a top-quality brand to ensure that the product has a long-lasting shine, accentuates the colour, and does not chip easily. Several makeup lines manufacture top coat polishes made particularly for acrylic nails, but if you cannot find this, top coat polish for regular nails will work fine too. However, do not bother to purchase top coats that assist in strengthening or lengthening nails, as this is not required for acrylic nails.

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    Start by painting the acrylic nails with a fresh coat of base polish. Allow this to dry, and then apply two layers of your preferred shade of coloured polish, allowing the nails ample time to dry completely in between applications. Once the second and final layer of coloured polish has dried completely, it is time to apply the clear top coat.

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    Dip the brush in to the polish, and begin applying it to your nails, starting from the base and swiping upwards. Make sure that the layer you apply is a thin one, and use gentle strokes to slide it on smoothly. Once the entire nail is covered in clear polish, allow the nail to dry completely. Do not apply multiple top coats – one should suffice. However, if you want to freshen up your top coat after a few days, feel free to apply another thin, smooth layer of top coat polish.

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