How to Apply for a New Passport in London (for Locals)

British nationals can easily get a new passport within six weeks through the authorized government body called the Identity and Passport Service (IPS). There is only one application form which is required for all types of individuals’ passport applications. IPS has written all the instruction on the application form. You can use paper applications or an online system to apply for the Passport. Here is a step by step guide that will help you get the application form, arrange supporting documents and pay specific fees that you need for the IPS.
Address: Globe House, 89 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1PN UK
Contact: +44 0300 222 0000
Visit IPS Website
How to get application form
There are four ways by which you can get an application form.
A) You can complete an online application form available on the official website of the IPS. After you complete the application form, IPS will print it and send to you on your given postal address to ask you to sign and return with the supporting documents. IPS use second class post and therefore you should wait at least one week for delivery.
Visit IPS Online Application Form Website
B) You can also get an application form from the specific post office branch which offers passport check and send service. You can locate your nearest post officein London.
C) You can request an application form online and you will get in the next five working days on the postal address that you provide to IPS.
D) You can call to Passport Advice line and ask IPS to send you up to four passport application forms. IPS use second class postal service so allow at least one week for delivery.
Contact: +44 300 222 0000
Get your Fees ready
If you are applying for Normal Service by post which takes about three to six weeks you will have accompany £77.50. There are one-week Fast Track service and one-day premium service available but you cannot avail this services because you must have to attend the interview for your first adult passport.
Complete Required Supporting Documents
In order to get a proof that you are British National, IPS demands original documents only. If you were born in UK before 1983, IPS will see your birth certificate as a proof of Nationality. But If were born after 1 January 1983, IPS will ask you to present the birth certificate of your mother or father, their home office registration certificate or his or her passport that was valid at the time of your birth.
You will provide two photographs. One of which should be signed by an over 18, reputable person in the community. This person should write on the back of one picture “I certify that this is a true likeness of [your title and full name]” and must sign and write date on the statement.
Get your Application Form Countersigned
Once you have completed your application form, you will need to sign it personally and have countersigned on the section 10 of the form by over 18-year-old reputable person in community. This person should also hold the British or Irish valid passport and known you at least for the last two years. Here is a list of persons that would be suitable for countersignatures:
airline pilot
articled clerk of a limited company
assurance agent of recognised company
bank/building society official
chairman/director of limited company
commissioner of oaths
councillor (local or county)
civil servant (permanent), but not someone who works for IPS
director/manager of a VAT-registered charity
director/manager/personnel officer of a VAT-registered company
engineer (with professional qualifications)
financial services intermediary (eg a stockbroker or insurance broker)
fire service official
funeral director
insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company
Justice of the Peace
legal secretary (fellow or associate member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs)
licensee of public house
local government officer
manager/personnel officer (of a limited company)
member, associate or fellow of a professional body
Member of Parliament
Merchant Navy officer
minister of a recognised religion (including Christian Science)
nurse (RGN and RMN)
officer of the armed services (active or retired)
paralegal (certified paralegal, qualified paralegal or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals)
person with honours (an OBE or MBE, for example)
photographer (professional)
police officer
Post Office official
president/secretary of a recognised organisation
Salvation Army officer
social worker
teacher, lecturer
trade union officer
travel agent (qualified)
valuer or auctioneer (fellows and associate members of the incorporated society)
Warrant Officers and Chief Petty Officers.
Post the completed application form
After completing the application form, send it back to IPS using your nearest post office. Your envelope should have completed application form, photographs, supporting documents and fee.
Visit Post Office Finder to search your nearest post office in London.
Wait for Interview Call
Now IPS also conduct interview of those applicants who had never a British passport in their own name. However, if you had own child passport, you will not be interviewed because in this way your application will be treated as renewal. IPS conduct interviews in regional interview offices.
It will be a friendly mannered 30 minutes interview to confirm facts about you. These are the facts that someone can use to steal your identity. You can find the nearest Interview office near you. You need to enter your post code or street town to locate your nearest interview office.
Find out Interview office in London. -
Track Your Application
If you want to track the progress of your application, make sure to note the bar code number before posting it to the Identity and Passport Service. It is ten digit code on the top of the front page. You can find out the progress of your application by filling online applicationtracker form. You can also contact Passport Advice Line to get information about your application.
Contact: +44 300 222 0000
Visit Application Form Tracker -
Receive your Passport
After specified amount of time your passport will be posted to you on the address that you mentioned in your application form.