How To Approach a Neighbor to Buy Land

You can have more than one reason to buy an additional piece of land in your neighborhood, if you are not simply interested in building your empire of lands all over in and near your town. For example, your extended family cannot adjust in the presently available piece of property, and you are compelled to sell it and buy another one, larger and spacious, at some other place. If you love the area where you lived your childhood and children have lived theirs, and do not want to move elsewhere, buying a piece of property to extend your property to meet your family needs is the only alternative. The problem is that your neighbors are not always willing to sell their land. So the task of approaching your neighbours with an interest to buy their piece of land is a daunting one. It can cause a rift in your relationship and even turn them to be your enemies. Nevertheless, you have to approach them because of the lack of options in front of you, and you have to find a way out how can you do that.


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    Assess Your Need

    Do not be so much faster as to straightaway knock on your neighbours door that you want to buy their property. First of all, assess your need. See how much property you have got and how much is needed to meet your additional requirement. Be realistic in assessing your situation, and if you are greedy just want to grab a piece of land in your neighborhood it is not a great idea and you cannot expect your neighbours coming up with an encouraging response.

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    Evaluate Your Neighbours Property

    After you have determined your need, you can have a rough estimate of your neighbours' land or property to see if they have got an additional piece. It can be an empty piece of land or a rented property. Just be sure if they have a piece of land additional to their use that can be bought from them. If not, try to figure out whether they will be able to sell some piece of property in their use to you.

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    Throw Idea Through Your Spouse

    It is sometimes better to throw the idea through your spouse whether husband or wife. Generally, women happen to become good neighbours. Their relationship thrives on a regular chit chat on various domestic issues. So instead of approaching your neighbour yourself, try throwing the idea through your spouse.

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    Assess Response

    After your wife or husband has brought into the knowledge of the neighbour that you are interested in buying a piece of their land, wait for a few days, before the idea reaches the head of the family and a response is expected. Proceed accordingly.

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    Approach with Proposal and Price Offer

    If you get an encouraging response of the idea that was conveyed through your spouse, directly approach your neighbour with the proposal and price offer etc. This can be done by inviting your neighbour at a meal or tea etc.

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