How to Approach an Attractive Man

There was a time when men used to break ice with women and if women used to do the same with men, it was considered as weird as taboo. However, the time has now changed. This is 21st century and women can easily approach the men they like. Most of the times, approaching an attractive man is a wise thing to, because you can meet the right man, who can become a permanent part of your life. There is nothing wrong with going after what one wants.
Therefore, you should also throw away all the fear you have in you and build up the courage to talk to any man, whether in the market or in some party. Once you have the courage, there is nothing that can stop you from approaching and talking to a person that you like.
The first thing that you need to do is to overcome your shyness, as this is the main factor that stops women from approaching an attractive man. Most of the times, it happens that women lose the opportunity to talk to men, after they become too much conscious about themselves.
Breaking the ice is the second step in building the relation with the person you like. So, find a way to talk to him. If you are co-workers, then it is really easy to break the ice. Whenever you find him near you – for instance in the elevator – you can talk to him about any project or happenings in the office.
Also, you can approach him in a casual way. Make sure you meet him alone, as it will allow you to talk to him easily, with his full attention on you. Do not fear and have some faith in you. You can smile at him and most probably, he will smile back at you. At least, you have initiated something with him. You can also ask him for some time when he can meet you.
Try to talk something which can interest him. You can talk to him about his interests and hobbies, rather than something related to, for instance, types of makeup kits available in the market. If he will be interested in your talk, he will definitely ask something from you too.
Make sure, you do not force him into a conversation, if he behaves like a lukewarm. In such case, a friendly advice is that you must try to forget about him after the conversation, as he may be interested in some other woman.