How To Approach Neighbors About Buying Their Land

Land next to your own house is always an attractive prospect if you are looking to extend your estate. However, it is likely that the land is owned by one of your neighbours, who may not be willing to sell it. If you happen to have good relations with the neighbour who owns the land you want, you may be able to talk him/her into selling it. It might even cost you a little more than the market price to convince your neighbor from parting with his land. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that even if you do not get the land, you will be remaining in the same neighborhood and it is never wise to strain relations between you and the neighbor.
First decide if you really want the land or whether it is just a passing wish. If you step up and make an offer to your neighbor, he may just be willing to sell the land, and if you have not seriously made up your mind, you may have to end up buying it in order to save face.
You should also research into other available estates in your locality to assess prices and other details. This will put you in good stead for any negotiations which may follow in case your neighbor agrees to sell you his land. -
You can contact a real estate agent for any such query, and browse online listings and newspapers to get an idea about the prevailing market conditions. Knowing that you really want the land, your neighbor may be tempted to raise the asking price and you should be able to assess it on your end as well.
Depending on your relation with the neighbors, approach the matter tactfully. Either invite them over for dinner to go visit them at their place. Bring up the topic of property and discuss how you have been looking to extend your own estate. If you are lucky, your neighbors may give you a favourable response. If not, you can always bring it up directly with the head of their family.
If you are discussing the prospects with your neighbors, also inquire as to the title of the land. Make sure the neighbors have the authority to sell it and are not trustees or caretakers of said land.
You may find out that your neighbors have already been approached and are contemplating the sale of that land to someone else. In such a case, you may be able to provide a better offer and use your mutual relationship to your benefit. However, do not make unreasonable offers as your neighbors may also be trying to take advantage of your need.
If your neighbors give you no for an answer. Do not push them or pressurize them. Accept it gracefully and inquire as to their future plans. Ask them if they may be inclined to sell the land in the future. You can also politely tell them that you would be interested if they every change their minds.
If your neighbor agrees and all details are settled. Throw in a little bonus or extra as a token of your appreciation. However, do make it clear that once you acquire the property, it will belong to you and they cannot use it as they used to in the past.