How to Argue Respectfully With Your Spouse

Conflicts can take place in any relationship and marriage is no exception to this. Husband and wife can have a difference of opinion on a lot of things and this can often lead to an argument. Sometimes, these arguments can turn real nasty and can go as far as damaging the relationship itself. While it is natural to vent out during an argument and resort to some verbal whipping, it does not serve the purpose of resolving the issue well. Avoiding an argument should be the first priority for a married couple, but if it becomes unavoidable, then it is important to stay within certain boundaries and stick to certain rules while arguing so that the situation does not get out of hand.


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    When you argue with your spouse, it is extremely important to stick to the specific issue at hand instead of bringing up issues that can be discussed later.  Handle one problem at a time.

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    While arguing over something, do not blow the point of issue out of proportions. Make sure you stick to facts instead of distorting the problem and making it seem bigger than it really is.

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    Do not raise your voice during an argument. You may compel your spouse to do the same and this will make it harder for you two to resolve the issue at hand. You can convey your point of view more effectively in a quiet and assertive tone.

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    Shouting should be avoided at all costs. Even if your spouse resorts to it, you should hold your cool and tell them to calm down. If they do not stop shouting, stop responding to them until they modulate their voice.

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    Do not resort to abuses or name-calling. There is a greater chance of resolving an issue if it is argued upon in a civilised manner. Name-calling and abusing will only make the atmosphere tensed and keep you and your spouse from sticking to the issue at hand.

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    No matter how frustrating your spouse gets during the argument, do not assassinate their character. Remember, you two are married and marriage is based on love and mutual respect. A relationship can survive without love, but it cannot survive without respect.

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    Do not bring your in-laws into the argument. If you do, expect your spouse to do the same. Things will turn real nasty if you two start talking trash about each other’s families.

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    Taking at a hit at your spouse’s religion, caste, creed, or other such sentiments can cause irreparable damage. Therefore, you should avoid doing this at all cost.

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    Do not hit your spouse below the belt. Since you two are partners, you will obviously be aware of each other’s failures and weaknesses. Do not bring these up during the argument. If you do, you may end up losing your spouse’s trust forever.

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