How to Attach a Rear Rack to a Bicycle

Rear rack is one of the most important components of a bicycle. It doesn’t only provide support to your bicycle, but you can also keep your necessary belonging on it while going out for cycling. Mostly, bicycles contain already fitted rear rack. However, some companies do not provide already attached rear rack and you have to attach it by yourself after buying it from the market. It is not very difficult to attach a rear back to the bicycle. All you need is a little time and few tools to attach a rear rack to your bicycle.

Things required:

– Philips screwdriver
– Stainless steel coated clamps (optional)
– Nuts and bolts for clamps (optional)
– Allen wrenches
– Adjustable wrench


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    First of all, you have to loosen all the nuts and bolts of the fender eyelets of your bicycle. Then, you have to place and adjust the rear rack on the rear wheel of your bicycle by aligning the fender eyelet of either side with the frame. You may also have to place it on the fender. Now, tighten the bolts a little bit with the help of Allen wrench or any screwdriver which fits the size of the bolt attached to the rack.

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    Repeat the above procedure for the other side of your rear wheel and tighten it. But, don’t tighten it completely.

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    After that, you will have to place the longer end of one rack into the top which is beneath the holes for the bolts. Then, put in the nut beneath the bolt with the help of adjustable wrench or simply by using your fingers. Just tighten it a little bit so that it stays firm. You will have to repeat the same procedure with some other bolt if there are a couple of holes in the rear rack.

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    You will have to repeat step three for the other side of the rear rack to stay firm. But, don’t tighten down the bolts completely.

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    Now, adjust the corners of the rear rack stays with the fender eyelets in the frame of the seat. Then, take the wrench and tighten down the bolts fully. Meanwhile, you have to connect the coated clamps to your seat which will stay above the crossbar of your bicycle.

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