How to Attract a Man Emotionally

Contrary to the popular belief, men can be extremely emotional, and when it comes to making one your own, a little bit of exploitation in this regard can work wonders.

It is an open secret that women are the champions of emotions, and there is so much that they can do. If you are a woman, all you need to do is to understand your man, take aim at his weakness and fragilities, and then conquer. These tactics may wary from man to man, but there are some absolute tactics which never fail to bewitch them.


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    Be the jolly one

    Some people say that looks can kill. True, but the effect is almost the same, if not more, when it comes to a woman’s smile.

    There is nothing which bedazzles men more than a girl who loves to laugh. Avoid being the oversensitive, insecure and a worrying type of girl and make your man realize that you are one who can bring a smile on his face.

    Off course your man should be there to listen and care when you are depressed, but these fits of depression should be very rare.

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    Be energetic

    If you are not the most beautiful girl around, that is not your fault. But what can be is your laid back approach. While you should not be overly frank with everybody, ensure that there is a positive vibe to you. Maintain a good body language.

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    Be a keen listener

    Although easier said than done, develop a habit to listen to the man you want. This will not only increase his trust in you, but will also increase your respect in his eyes.

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    Make him believe that he is the one for you

    When you want to attract a man, you have to be sure about it. There is no turning back afterwards. Let him know what you think of him, but gradually, not all at once. Men do not like to be overloaded with emotions.

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    Love him

    There isn’t any emotion as powerful as love. And, if you want to attract a man, you should love him from the bottom of your heart. Although it is just a metaphor to die for somebody, you should be willing to do so, should the need arise. If you are this pure in your heart, your actions will automatically concur with your feeling.

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