How To Attract Girls Without Being Annoying

Are you fed up of being rejected? Want to be a desirable man for some attractive girls around you? Remember, this needs just few small changes in your attitude and some courageous moves that will yield favourable results.

It may take some time as it is just like a chemical reaction so you should do everything with great patience. Normally, it is believed that girls are pompous and rude but this is completely wrong notion. All they want is just some respect and all they care about is some manners.

You do not need to be a strong guy to make them like you rather it is always good to be, or at least pretend to be, sensitive and caring. However, it does not mean that you should start acting like girls to attract them.


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    First of all, you should have the sense to choose the right person. Do not go after someone who has entirely different personality from you. It is always better to stay in your league. Similarly, do not try someone who is poles apart in terms of psychology.

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    Remember, if you are trying to attract some specific girl then you will have to carry a relevant personality but if you are open to everyone then it requires a complete overhauling. Make yourself acceptable to the masses.

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    Observe your desired girl attentively and do not let her catch you staring at her as this is one of the most annoying things for a respectable lady. Try to notice her habits, likes and dislikes by watching her discreetly.

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    Now you should check your prospects. If you are sure that there will another encounter then it is okay just to observe but if the case is different then you should try to discover something about her like name, address etc.

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    Next thing is to approach her properly. Rehearse again and again that how will you start talking and do assemble some sentences to make her comfortable.

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    You can also approach her indirectly by making an adorable impression on her friends. You will be able to know that what kind of people she likes? What is that annoys her?

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    Remember discretion is the only rule in this game. Do not let anybody know about your plans as it will destroy your image. Just be a regular guy and try to make your place in her league.

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    Your next step will be a personal interaction. Be gentle, nice and most importantly confident. Remember, you are more familiar for her as compared to earlier. She knows little bit about you so maintain that image.

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    After you are close to her, start paying extra care. Make her addicted to that care and affection and you will see the magic prevailing.

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