How to Avoid Being a Victim of Terrorism in London

Although terrorism is an old concept, but the issue has enveloped this world in its vicious tentacles especially after 9/11, when the twin towers were attacked by hijacked planes. This resulted in a full fledged war on terrorism by a majority of the countries. Whether this has bred more terrorism or decreased it, that issue is debatable. But what you, at your individual capacity can do is keep yourself safe and try not to be another statistic in the long list of victims of terrorism. The fact that terrorists can strike anywhere and anytime is undeniable but as individuals, it is on us to stay safe!
Keep an eye on your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. This can be a person behaving in a way that shows he is unnecessarily nervous. Always look around and take notice of anyone or anything that is out of place. Always be careful of boxes or packages that are left unattended in crowded places. Also, if you see someone suspicious it might be a good idea to alert the local law enforcement so that they can look in to somebody acting strangely. Remember you do not want to get confrontational and let the proper authorities handle it. Try not to be overly suspicious or act paranoid otherwise you might be the person that others might think is acting strangely in a public place.
Look out for any items that have been lying around unguarded. It may be a box or a bag – unknown to others as it may be timed to explode! Remember if you see something unattended then try to contact or tell someone like a security guard or police officer of your concerns.
Take precautions when travelling and avoid going near places that may be on the terrorist’s hit list. These may include bus stops, train stations and/or airports. Their basic motive is to spread as much destruction and chaos as possible and this can only be done in crowded places. Be sure that when you do have to go to a crowded place that you stay alert for anything suspicious in terms of someone acting strangely or unattended bags, boxes or other items. Also, it is a good idea to make a note of where the exits are located in case of an emergency or other life threatening situation.
Be wary of anybody taking pictures or making notes of a sensitive installation or a crowded area. This may be being done to get information to help plan the terrorist activity. If you something out of place or someone acting weird and taking pictures in a suspicious manner then alert the authorities at once so that they can look in to this issue.
If you think you have seen anything slightly suspicious, do not dismiss it and instead report to the Metropolitan police department on their numbers. Dial 999 for emergency situations and 101 in case of a non-emergency situation. Remember the police cannot be everywhere at once and they take any information or lead from the public seriously.