How To Avoid High APR Fees

In our current day and age, everyone has a credit card. It is a big convenience if used properly. Some use it because they want to build good credit for bigger purchases such as cars and even houses. While others want to pay a lump sum for all their purchases at the end of the month. Yet there are others who use plastic money to satisfy their wants that are beyond their means.

If one is not careful with the use and subsequent payments, it can be a handful of trouble. The interest that you have to pay rockets along with penalty fees and on occasions there is an APR increase altogether as a long term penalty.

Keeping ones credit in good shape and avoiding high APR fees is based on very basic steps. One has to carefully follow the right plan to get low APR rates as well as avoid any kind of extra fees.


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    Use Less Than You Can Afford

    Many people when going on a shopping spree with their credit cards forget that the money is not free and has to be paid back. It is best that you always spend less amount than you can pay back so in case that you have an expenditure that you did not expect comes up, you are not left hanging dry at the time of the credit card payment. Make full payments and avoid partial payments as they push the total interest owed up. This is a big way of avoiding APR Fees.

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    Always Pay on Time

    Keep a track of what you have spent during the month and know how much you owe to the creditor. You can always check online that how much has been spent and keep that amount ready with you in the bank. As soon as the payment is due and you have those 20 days to pay, do not wait for the last date to come. Write down that check after receiving the bill and mail it the same day. If you can pay the bill online, all the better. This will help you avoid any extra fees and a good history will also bring down your APR over a period of time.

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    Balance Transfer

    Balance transfer is also a good option to get your APR lowered. Many companies offer balance transfer with a lower APR and once you get the offer, do not hesitate to take it. It is bound to bring your credit card bill down.

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    Keep in Touch

    If you are in a bit of financial mess, let your credit card company know. They have plans where they will charge you less than the minimum charge and will not affect the credit score or impose any penalties or push your APR up.  Communicating and staying always help.

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