How To Avoid Hurting Your Child\’s Feelings

Raising a child is just like walking on a thin rope as any small blunder can damage your kid’s psyche so badly that it cannot be rectified. Mostly parents do not pay attention to a toddler’s feelings and think that being harsh will not have any effect on them.

You should keep in mind that a child is more sensitive than anyone else as they do not have a broad vision of things. They are too young to understand your intentions. That is why you will have to tread carefully while leading your child to a successful life.

There are some children who have submissive nature and they can be directed or instructed but there is also a kind that feels humiliated in such situations. This is very dangerous as hurt may lead to hate.


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    Think with their mind. Do not feel shy in bringing yourself to their level. You should figure out their likes and dislikes and direct them politely.

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    Do not give them a lecture in front of others as it really hurt their self respect. The best time for such talks is just before they sleep. Tell them your personal experiences in the form of a story this will stick to their minds forever.

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    Conversely, you should encourage them and praise them in front of others. This will fill their mind with a sense of achievement and they will not feel bad if you make corrections later.

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    Show your confidence and make them realise that you trust them. This will help them in building self confidence and ultimately they will learn how to accept criticism. By having helpful and encouraging parents will make them feel protected in harsh times.

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    Do celebrate and appreciate their every success. For example, if your kid is participating in school’s sports gala and he fails to hit the mark then do not yell at him rather show him that to be in the contest is itself a victory.

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    Be communicative and extrovert in front of your kids. Make them realise that you love them and this will help them to handle your criticism.

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    If they are doing something wrong, let them face the consequences. For example, if your kid is fighting with the neighbour’s kid then do not interrupt and let your child face the music. This will teach your kid a lesson without your involvement.

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    Give them respect and address them courteously as recent studies show that children listen attentively if given respect.

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    Do not make any negative comment about their physical or mental deficiency.

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