How to Avoid Hypoglycemia when Exercising

Diabetes is taking the shape of an epidemic. There is a significant population of the world that is suffering from it and it is something that one must pay a lot of attention to and make sure that one is able to live a healthy life and avoid this menace by having a healthy life style.

On the flip-side, there is also hypoglycemia, a condition in which the blood sugar level goes down rather than coming up. This is a lot more dangerous and can cause harm to the person much quicker than hyperglycemia or high blood sugar.

It can be an issue with diabetics as healthy people. It can particularly kick in after an exercise session when you have burned a fair amount of calories. One can over do the exercise at times without realising it and a few simple habits can save us from having hypoglycemia.


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    Check Sugar Level

    Do check your sugar level before an exercise session if you are a diabetic. If the sugar level is low or is less than what you normally have, you may want to cut the session short or delay it for a bit of time. Exercise is important but hypoglycemia can be extremely dangerous and it if kicks in, the dangers associated with it heavily outweigh the benefits of exercise.

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    Have a Snack

    Before you exercise, have a snack a reasonable amount of time before. This will provide you with some extra energy and you should not be feeling low or have a low sugar level even with strenuous exercise. Do have a light snack afterwards if you are feeling hungry or low on energy. If the sugar level is low before exercising, the snack will help you in gaining some of it and will keep you going.

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    Avoid Hot Tubs

    After exercise, avoid activities such as getting into a hot tub or a sauna. The reason is that they will continue to maintain your increased heart rate from the exercising and will be a cause of hypoglycemia.

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    Limit Exercise

    If you are a diabetic or have suffered from low blood sugar, you must make a schedule and limit your exercising. Have one to two sessions a day and maintain a routine. Doctors recommend that you do not exercise around the time when you will be sleeping and make sure that your last exercise session is at least two hours before you sleep.

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